Home Away from Home Daycare
Childcare Just Like Home
Age appropriate activities are scheduled with flexibility allowed to respond to the needs of the individual child and day. I will offer times for outside play, crafts, stories and naps appropriate to the child's age, interests and abilities. I will provide your child with tender loving care, understanding, patience and guidance in a happy family setting. For infants and toddlers who are too young to communicate with you about their day, a daily report sheet will be sent home daily. I provide a preschool curriculum , developing large and small motor skills. I do many arts and crafts where the focus is on the process not the product. Free play is an important part of the child's early years. It is here that they learn social skills that will be needed the rest of their lives.
Here is an example of a day:
6:30-8:00 Free play as children arrive
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-9:30 Change diapers/ toilet time
9:30-10:45 Circle time/ art activity/ Free play
10:45-11:15 Change diaper/ toilet time
11:15-11:45 Outside play
11:45-12:00 Transition to lunch
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:00 Transition to nap
12:30-2:30 Nap time
2:30-3:00 Change diapers/ toilet time
2:30-3:00 Puzzles, books quiet activity
3:00-3:30 Snack
3:30-4:00 Afternoon circle
4:30-5:00 Change diapers/ Toilet time
4:00-close Free play/ outside time
Daily Routines
Drop off/ Pick ups: Please do not leave your car running and unattended in the driveway.
Your child must exit the daycare with you.
Please do not allow your child to play near the vehicles at any time.
I assume responsibility for your child only while he/she is on our property.
No child will be allowed to leave with anyone except the parent, unless indicated on alternate pick up list without written permission from parent. Telephone permission will not do! Anyone unfamiliar to me will be required to show proof of identification. Please make the alternate pick up person aware of the requirements.
It is normal for your child to cry on arrival, especially for the first few weeks. Please make your goodbyes brief and tell your child exactly when you will be returning. The crying usually stops with in seconds of your departure. You are welcome to listen outside the door. Never leave without telling your child goodbye.
Please be in control of your child during drop of and pick up times. This is a time of testing when two different authority figures are present and this situation will be tested at one time or another to see if the rules still apply. We will remind your child if inappropriate behaviors are being displayed. Children of all ages adjust to transitions from one activity to another differently. Most do not like to be rushed and most do not like to wait too long once they are ready to depart.