Home Away from Home Daycare
Childcare Just Like Home

No Jumping, or screaming permitted inside the house. We use "inside voices." No walking around the house with food, cups, or bottles. No going out the door or gate at pick up time without an adult. No name calling, teasing, swearing, bad language such as 'shut up', tattling, or potty talk. No gun or violent play allowed.
*We Respect Each Other and Keep our Hands to Ourselves* - No roughhousing, hitting, pushing, biting, grabbing, kicking, pulling, pinching, spitting at others, including your parents. Lifting, carrying, climbing, or sitting on other children is not permitted.
*We Respect our Belongings and our Environment* - No standing on, hitting with, pounding with, throwing toys or other household items. No standing on or jumping off of furniture. Parents are responsible for willful destruction of property.
All supplies must be labeled with your child's name on it. You will need to provide the following things to be left here:
2 or more bottles
1 pacifier if needed
2 complete change of clothing
1 jacket or sweater
Special toy or blanket if needed at nap time
Any over the counter medication that you may wish to be used. This must have the child's name on it. Remember we will always ask your permission before administering.
Please label the Formula/Breast milk with your child's name and date. We can mix and store your bottles for the day for your child or you may make them yourself and bring them in for that day.